ABN discounts help small business travelers save during hectic holidays
Posted on November 27, 2013 by Breanna Wilson & filed under Travel
Traveling during the holiday season can be a stressful prospect for small business professionals. While many families and leisure travelers flock to the airport to start their holiday vacations, some savvy professionals focus on getting one more deal done or partnering with a new supplier across the country before the new year begins.
However, the influx of passengers during the holiday period can lead to higher-than-normal prices for airlines tickets and even fuel. In fact, the GO Group recently released a report that indicated airports and roadways will see a surge in the number of travelers in the coming weeks. The source found that 58 percent more travelers will fly during the holiday season compared to 2012.
Overall, 57 percent of respondents said they will fly out of town at least once during the holidays. Just 36 percent said the same a year ago. The busiest single holiday appears to be Thanksgiving, with more than one third of the GO Group respondents saying they will travel for the November event. That's more than the 33 percent who are planning to spend Christmas away from home and the 13 percent that will celebrate New Year's Eve in a different city.