3 tips for customizing Vistaprint business cards
Posted on November 15, 2013 by Jack Bergman & filed under Marketing Tips & Tricks
You've launched your small business, but now you are looking for ways to promote your enterprise. You've invested in online ads, you've told friends and family about your endeavor but you're still having trouble getting clients through the door. You decide to attend a few trade shows and networking events in hopes that you will meet some reputable vendors or buyers. After a lengthy and productive discussion with one of the region's top suppliers, you're feeling excited, as you think you've just forged a new partnership.
The vendor asks to exchange cards but all you have in your pockets is a handful of change and some lint from the dryer. He leaves empty handed, only to strike up a conversation with one of your established competitors who pulls out his card and gives it the big-time supplier. Guess which business he's more likely to remember? Not yours.
This scenario is one that is all too common in the corporate world. At networking events and trade shows, all small business owners have their hearts set on striking up a conversation with some leading professionals in their field. These established business leaders will likely talk to dozens if not hundreds of startup owners who have rehearsed their speeches and left a solid impression on the potential partner. However, without something as simple as a business card, reputable entrepreneurs will live short in the memory of industry giants.
Even small business owners that have standard, cookie-cutter cards will probably be looked over. When that potential investor or vendor goes home after the event, he or she will likely glance through the dozens of collected cards, so it's important that those tiny pieces of paper make a big impact.
With ABN's Vistaprint discount, small business owners can create dynamic, customized business cards that will leave a positive impression on people at networking events. Here are a few small business tips that can help you create a truly memorable custom business card: