Stay at one of the newest hotels on The Strip for even less

With a pool and modern rooms

your stay will be anything but ordinary

Choose from a Deluxe Room

or a poolside Cabana Room

No matter what type of room you stay in

you save with our promo code!
Get ABN member discounts!

See why The Linq is one of the coolest hotels, and areas, to experience in Las Vegas:

Pointing to the Right
  • Book your room online in advance using the link above or directly on the hotel’s website with promo code ABN05.
  • Save up to 25% on any type of room reservation – from the Deluxe Rooms all the way up to the hotel’s top tiered Linq Penthouse.
  • Stay in one of the newest hotels to hit the Las Vegas Strip and see what makes the Linq Hotel the new cool kid on the block.
  • With The High Roller just out the door, there’s never a dull moment waiting for you in Las Vegas.
  • Whether you’re looking for a relaxing spa day or a party by the pool, the Linq Hotel has it all.